Nº11 Marc Gelly


Section B.2.

Marc Gelly (France)

wKe1,Na1,Bh4,Pa3,c2,d3,g2/bKd4,Bf8,Rc7,Pa5,d5,d6,e5 Position from a Handicap Game.Draw.

The solutionist must find and prove the nature of the handicap. Economy in the slogan and «conditions» (as in the material!).
Preliminary analysis:A bit like a retrograde analysis,the solutionist easily show lines

1.Bd8 Rh7 2.Ke2 Kç3 3.B×a5+ Kb2 -+
1.a4 Kç3 -+
1.Kd1 a4 -+

and deduced that the only move to obtain Draw is 000!! with Rock a1(Handicap Game),then gives the complete solution.

1.Nb3+! Libere a1 so allows the next white move.
1.Bd8? Rh7 2.Nb3+ (2.Ke2 Kç3 -+) Kç3 3.000 (with Ra1 H.G.) Rh1 #

1…Ke3? 2.Bg5 #

2.000!! With Ra1.Handicap game.
2.Kd1? a4 -+

2…Bh6+ 3.Kb1! Bd2
3…Rf7? 4.Be1+ Bd2 5.B×d2 #

4.N×a5? Rf7 -+

4…Rf7? 5.B×a5 #

5.B×a5+? R×a5 6.N×a5 e4! 7.d×e4 d×e4 8.Nb3 e3 -+

5…Ra8 6.Bb6!!
6.Bç7? e4! 7.B×d6 e3 -+

6…e4 7.Bd4+ Kb4 8.N×d2 =
6…Ra6 7.Bd8!…=

7.Bf2? Kb4! -+

7…R×a5 8.N×a5 e4! 9.d×e4
9.Nb3? e×d3! 10.ç×d3 K×b3 -+

9…d×e4 10.Nb3 e3 11.Nç1 DRAW.
(11…Kd2? 12.a5 +-).
«Position from a Handicap Game» sur le diagramme dans «all the studies.»

Thème :Roque avec la Tour donnée en Avantage.
After Marc Gelly n.1318 Polish Chess Federation 7 XI 2017
The move 000 with Ra1 (Handicap Game-Partie à Avantage) is part of the echiquean practice. It has been regulated by the FIDE (in french please):ARTICLE 22:»Des parties à avantages «(handicap games).PARAGRAPHE 8:Celui qui fait l’avantage de la Tour peut roquer du côté de la Tour enlevée comme si celle-ci se trouvait encore sur sa case,à condition toutefois que cette case ne soit occupée par aucune autre pièce.