Win Zeroposition
a)wB-> a6 – b) wN->f2
Section A
János Mikitovics (Hungary)
Position a)
Twin: A BvsR
Threat. 1…Rxh6+! and 2…Rxa6
Thematic try 1.Bc4? Rxe4+! (1…Rxh6+? 2.Kf5 main)
1.Kd5? Rxh6= (1…Kf2? 2.e5 Rxh6 3.e6 Ke3 4.e7+-)
1.h7? Rxh7= (1…Kf2? 2.d5 Ke3 3.d6 Rxh7 4.Kd5!! Rh5+ 5.e5+-)
1…Rxh6 2.Bc4! Rh5+ 3.Kg4!
3.Kg6? Rh4=
3…Rh8! 4.Kg3!!
4.Kf3? Rh3+ (4…a5? 5.d5+-) 5.Kg4 Rc3= (5…Rh8? 6.Kg3 main)
4.e5? Kf2 5.d5 Ke3 6.Kf5 Kd4=
4…Rc8 5.Be6!
5.Ba6? Rc6! (5…Rc3+? 6.Kf4 Kf2 7.d5 Rf3+ 8.Ke5 Ke3 9.d6+-) 6.Bb5 Rb6= (6…Rg6+? 7.Kf4 Rb6 8.Be8! Re6 9.Ba4!!+-)
5…Rc3+ 6.Kf4 Kf2
6…a5 7.d5 a4 8.d6 (8.e5? Rc4+ 9.Kf5 a3 10.d6 a2=) 8…Rd3 9.e5+-
7.d5 Rd3
7…Rf3+ 8.Ke5+-
Thematic try 8.Kf5? Ke3! (8…a5? Study in study 9.e5! a4 (9…Rf3+ 10.Ke4 main) 10.d6! (10.Ke4? Re3+ 11.Kd4 Kf3 12.d6 Re4+=) 10…a3 11.Ke4! Rd2 12.Bb3!! Zugzwang (12.Bc4? Rc2 13.Bb3 Rd2!! Zugzwang 14.Bc4 Rc2 positional draw) 12…Rb2 13.d7 Rd2 14.e6+-) 9.e5 Kd4= (9…Rd2? 10.d6 Rf2+ 11.Kg6!! Ke4 12.d7 Rd2 13.Kf6+-)
8…Rf3+ 9.Ke4+-
9.Kg4? Ke3 10.Bf5 (10.d6 Ke4 11.Bd5+ Kxe5!=) 10…Rf1! 11.e6 Rg1+ 12.Kh3 (12.Kh5 Kf4=) 12…Kf3 13.Be4+ Kxe4=
9.Kg5? Ke3 10.Bf7! Ke4!! (10…Rxf7? 11.e6 Rb7 12.Kf6 Kd4 13.d6 Rb6 14.d7 Rd6 15.Kf5 /g5+-) 11.e6 Rf5+ 12.Kg6 Rxd5 13.e7 Re5=
9…Re3+ 10.Kd4 Kf3 11.d6 Re4+ 12.Kc5 Rxe5+ 13.Bd5+ Kf4 14.d7+-
Keywords: Study in study with mutual zugzwangs
Position b
Twin: B NvsR
1.Ng4? Rxg4= (1…a5? 2.Kf5 Rh5+ 3.Kg6+-)
1…Rxh6+ 2.Kd5!!
2.Kf5? Rh5+!= (2…Rh3? 3.Nf4 Rf3 4.d5 Kf2 5.d6 Ke3 6.d7+-)
2…Rh3 3.Kc4! (3.Nc5? Kf2!=) 3…a5 4.d5 a4 5.d6+- (5.Nb4? Re3 6.Kd4 Re1=)
2…Kf1 3.e5 Ke2 4.Ke4!! Kd2 5.d5 Rh4+ 6.Nf4+-
2…Kg2 3.e5 Kf3 4.e6 Ke3 5.e7 (5.Ne5? Rxe6=) 5…Rh8 6.Ne5!! (6.Nb4? a5 7.Nc6 a4 8.Ke6 a3 9.d5 Ke4 10.d6 a2) 6…a5 7.Nc4++- fork(7.Nf7? Rg8!! 8.Kc4 Rc8+ 9.Kd5 Rg8 positional draw
3.e5 Rh3
3…a4 4.e6 a3 (4…Rh7 5.Kd6!+- (5.Kc6? a3 6.Nb4 Rh4!+-) ) 5.e7 (5.Nc1? Rh3 6.e7 Re3=) 5…Rh5+ (5…a2 6.e8Q a1Q 7.Qe3++-) 6.Ke6 a2 7.e8Q a1Q 8.Qg6+!!+- (8.Qxh5? Qxd4=) 8…Kf1 9.Qxh5 Qxd4 10.Qd1+ Kg2 11.Ne1+-
4.Nb2? Rh2! 5.Na4 Kf2 6.e6 Ke3=
4…Kf2 5.e6 Ke3 6.e7 Rh8 7.Ne6 Re8!
7…Kd3 8.Nf8!+- (8.Kd6? Re8=)
8.Ng7!! Rxe7
8…Rg8 9.e8Q+ /R +-
9.Nf5+- fork
Keywords: forks, Excelsiors, positional draw