#2 (12+11) C+
Jorge M. Kapros
1º HM Memorial José Tolosa y Carreras-100 2016
1… Lxe5/Tf5/Txe5/Ld4; 2.Sdc5 A/Lf3 B/Sf6 C/Sd2 D #
1. Df8? [2.Lf3 B#], Th3!
1. Da7? [2.Sd2 D#], Lc3!
1. Da5? [2. Sf6 C#] 1. … Lxe5 2.Sdc5 A# 1. … Tf5 2.Lf3 B#
But 1. … c5!
1. Dh8! [2.Sdc5 A#] 1. … Txe5 2.Sf6 C# 1. … Ld4 2.Sd2 D #
1. … e2/Sxh8 2.Txe2/ Txf4#
Theme and comment:
Blend of Myllyniemi Theme with Pseudo Le Grand Theme.
Myllyniemi Theme (Encyclopedia of Chess Problems, by Velimirović & Valtonen): The main thematic idea may, in principal, be shown in one phase, but it has been divided in at least two phases. In this problem the self-block variations 1… Lxe5/Tf5/Txe5/Ld4; 2.Sdc5 A/Lf3 B/Sf6 C/Sd2 D# exist already in the initial position but they appear divided in two phases: 1.Da5? Lxe5/Tf5, 2.Sdc5 A/Lf3 B# & 1.Dh8! Txe5/Ld4, 2.Sf6 C/Sd2 D#.
Pseudo Le Grand Theme (Encyclopedia of Chess Problems, by Velimirović & Valtonen): Reciprocally changed threat vs. mate functions between two moves in two phases after different defences. In this problem Sf6 & Sdc5 appear as threat and mate after different defences: 1. Da5? [2. Sf6 C#] 1…. Lxe5 2. Sdc5 D# / 1. Dh8! [2. Sdc5 D#] 1…. Txe5 2. Sf6 C#.
In this problem, a mate of one thematic phase of Myllyniemi theme appears as threat in another thematic phase of Myllyniemi theme. This use of a thematic mate of one phase of Myllyniemi theme as threat in another phase of Myllyniemi theme can be new, so this blend of Myllyniemi Theme with Pseudo Le Grand Theme can be new.
In addition, all four thematic mates ABCD appears as threats after tries and solution: 1. Dh8! [2.Sdc5 A#], 1. Df8? [2.Lf3 B#], 1. Da5? [2.Sf6 C#], 1. Da7? [2.Sd2 D#].