Mirko Markovic

Diag.3 Mirko Markovic
The Problemist January, 2010 –BTM Ganan

1…Dxf2 [1…Rxg7 2.Dxb7; 1…De4+ 2.Tg2 Cf4 3.f3 Dxf3 4.Db2+ e5 5.Df2 Dd1+ 6.Dg1 win.] 2.dxe7+ [2.Db2+? e5] 2…Rxe7 [2…Rxg7 3.e8C+! Rg8 (3…Rf8 4.Dh6+ Re7 5.Df6+) 4.Cf6+ Rg7 5.Ch5+ win.] 3.c8C+! Rf8 4.Dh6! Df3+ 5.Tg2+ Re8 6.De3+! Dxe3 7.Tg8+ Rd7 8.Cb6+ Rc6 [8…Re7 9.Cd5+; 8…Re6 9.Te8+] 9.Tc8+ Rb5 10.a4+ Ra6 [10…Rb4 11.Cd5+ Rxa4 12.Cxe3 win.] 11.Ta8#

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