Nº9 Luboš Kekely & Michal Hlinka


Section B.1.

Luboš Kekely & Michal Hlinka (Slovakia)


1.a8Q? Kc2 2.Qh8 Ne5! 3.Qa3 Ra4! pin 4.Qxa4 (4.Qxe5 Rxa3#) 4…Bxb2#

1…Kc2! with mate threat
1…Nxg5 2.Bg8! Nf3 3.a8Q+-

2.Qg2+ Nd2 3.Qxd2+ Kxd2 4.Kb1!

4.a8Q? Kc1 5.Qa3 Ra4–+

4…Ra4 5.d8Q phoenix 5…Ra1+!
5…Ra2 6.Qg5+ Kd1 7.Qg2+-

6.Kxa1 Kc2 again with mate threat 7.Qh8!
thematic try 7.Qf6? Bxf6 8.e5 Bxe5 9.d4 Bxd4 10.a8Q Bxb2#

7…Bxh8 8.g7!
thematic try 8.f6? Bxf6 9.e5 Bxe5 10.d4 Bxd4 11.g7+ Kc1 12.g8Q Bxb2#

8…Bxg7 9.f6!
thematic try 9.e5? Bxe5 10.d4 Bxd4 11.f6+ Kc1–+

9…Bxf6 10.e5!
thematic try 10.d4? Bxd4! 11.e5+ Kc1–+

10…Bxe5 11.d4+ and wins.

11th WCCT theme. Mates. Sacrifices on both sides. Phoenix. Four thematic tries.