B. Sivák

B. Sivák
comm. Rishon-le-Zion Chess Club-60 JT 1998-Draw

1.g6 Nfg3 2.g7 Nh5 [2…Nf6+ 3.Kf7 Nge4 4.Nf2+ =] 3.g8N [3.g8Q? Nhf6+ 4.Kf7 Nxg8 5.Kxg8 Ke2 6.Kg7 Kf3 -+, 3.Kf7? Nxg7 4.Kxg7 Ke2 5.Kg6 Kf3 6.Kh5 Ng3+ -+] 3…Nhf6+ 4.Nxf6 Nxf6+ 5.Kf7 Ne4 6.Kg6 Ke2 7.Kh5 Kf3 8.Kh4 Kf4 9.Ng3 Nxg3 stalemate Minor promotion and sacrifice of last white knight leads to unexpected stalemate on edge of the board in this miniature.

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